Upcoming events.

Event one

Event one

Liberty Clinic on May 24th. Updated time coming soon. Only available for those who board their horse at Timberlein to participate. Auditors welcome at 50.00 set price. Breakfast and drinks provided and then there will be a break for lunch. Sponsored by Espana Silk Company as well as a demonstration and product giveaways.

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Event Two
to Sep 8

Event Two

We are hosting an equine certification class through NE Indiana equine sports massage and rehab. Get certified in equine massage, raindrop therapy, thermo imagining, and Kinesiology taping. Time is from 10 am to 5 pm each day. You would be getting a lot of hands on experience with 15+ horses Limited spots available. Cost is $2500 and payment plans are available.

If you have any questions or looking to sign up contact Connie at NE Indiana equine sports massage and rehab!

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